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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Carnival! in Pescadero

The small annual community carnival is a big draw for families in Pescadero, Baja California Sur. Carnies set up rides and games, and the Master of Ceremonies takes the microphone to announce each group of school kids as they file onto the performance stage, aka basketball court, and charm the audience with their animal costumes and folk dances.

Chihuahuas ferociously guard colorful tents, while taco and beer vendors laze around before the crowds arrive. Families stake out plastic chairs and sit in anticipation for hours, gossiping and watching the young ones play.

One pathetic greased piglet is released into the crowd, and kids run to catch him. Pobrecito!  He's frantic, frazzled and worn out in no time. Soon he's captured by a grown-up, held high for all to see, and saved from further humiliation.

Burro race
Shaving cream fight

One sad red-greased piggy