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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Girls Play in La Paz

La Paz is a wonderful seaside city on the southern Sea of Cortez and in the early 20th Century was the world's largest producer of high quality pearls. Pearl divers grew rich supplying the European well-to-do with fine pearls. Nowadays the tourism industry leads the way, and because the Sea of Cortez is still rich in marine life, sport diving is big.

There is plenty of history and culture in La Paz Centro, but today the girls come to lunch and play.

Tomoko, Elizabeth, Olivia and Janine
We start with La Choya coffee

Elizabeth draws designs for her custom BBQ

The metal fabrication shop
Tomoko at her place of employment

Pretty view of La Paz from our panga

The boat to El Mogote across the Bahia de La Paz.
They say if you eat the ciruelo (wild plums) that grow here
you'll never leave La Paz.

We sit under the palapa and have a tasty brunch, then return to town and Pichilingue Beach. A big fried huachinango, margaritas, warm salty sea and fun company add up to a perfect afternoon.

Olivia attacks the huachinango

Pichilingue Beach Restaurant

La Paz...